Puja Remedies for Shanidev

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Puja Remedies for Shanidev

Shanidev Puja with Mustard oil abishekam with  Rudra Abishekam and  Hanuman Puja

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When Shanidev or Saturn transits the 12th, 1st and 2nd Houses from your Natal Moon, it means you under the influence of Shanidev Sade Sati. Then is the best time to choose Puja remedies for Shanidev .This Shanidev transit is 7.5 years to cross over 3 houses. So it’s called Sade Sati (seven and a half years).The traditional Sade Sati translated is 7.5 years in duration. So many people make Drama for Sade Sati. Actually Sade Sati can be the best period in someones  life. We hear people saying Shanidev is bad and very problematic. Shanidev is not guilty for your Karma he’s sort of a Post Man he will deliver your package which you sent in previous life. Also we see people trying to bribe Shanidev with different gifts and offerings just to flee their Karma. The fact is that we will not bribe Shanidev he’s not corrupted .He is neutral and a Judge of Karma authorized from Mahadev but he are going to be very merciful if the person realize something and apply that in own life .Well Shanidev is here to guide us on the proper track and to assist us to grow, mature and realize the self and truth. Shanidev is that the most merciful Graha and he teach us patience, sacrifice, spirituality, help to others etc. Just look the story of Chakravati Samraj  Vikramaditya form Ujjain. He was so strong, rich, learned, victorious and still Shanidev could turn him into a beggar and cripple man. That is what happens when Ego and ignorance comes in front of us and Shanidev. Shanidev can make our life full of spirituality and give us all the material comforts .We should all pray to Shanidev to keep us always on the right track so nothing bad happen to us. Jay Shanideva!


Sahadev Pandit
Astrology and Puja Services in Vienna

Address: Antonigasse 14, 1180, Vienna, Austria

Whats Up Phone : + 43 677 612 993 49


Web: austriaviennapuja.com

Austria Vienna Puja